Sunday, April 25, 2010

One Week Remains

Only one more week left of school before the end of the semester. I'm definitely excited that it's almost over, but also a little sad. I've made some great friends this semester and a lot of them are leaving after next week. Some will be back next semester but others are graduating or going home for good. I guess I just wish that I had more time to build relationships with these people. I was kind of a loner for most of last semester, only hanging out with a handful of people and not really going out of my way to make new friends. This semester has been different, I've met so many amazing new people and I just wish I had been a little more outgoing.

That being said, this semester has been a great time of change for me. I feel like I'm really starting to come out of my shell, I'm learning a great deal about myself and life in general. I know next semester is going to be great too. College is a great time of learning, not only academically, but also personally and spiritually. My only regret is that it has taken me this long to learn and to begin changing. But you know, this experience isn't the end. College is important but, in the grand scheme of things, I've only just begun my journey, we all have.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"You are Amazing God"

It is so cool to see God work. I mean, I know He is constantly at work in our lives, but it is something different to see something real and personal answered. Last night I just knelt next to my bed and pleaded with God in a way I haven't in forever. Maria had surgery today, and the whole thing scared me. I know God is in control deep down, but it is hard to trust that everything will be ok when you have no control at all over the situation. I have also been really stressed over my rooming situation for next semester. It shouldn't be that big of a deal, but I hate not knowing what is going to happen.

So last night I just fell to my knees and asked God to give me something, anything. I prayed for Maria, prayed that God would heal her, make everything all better. I prayed that I would get a good roommate for next year, hoping that someone would just appear and tell me "Hey, God told me to be your roommate." The thing about God though, is that He rarely answers how we ask.

Today my current roommate called me and said, "I found you a roommate for next semester." I was shocked, didn't know what to do. I tend to be a bit like Gideon, always wanting God to do one more thing to prove that He's answering. The thing is though, when we ask for something and it happens, we need to take it. That is something I'm still learning, but with God's help I'll get it down. I told Nate to tell the guy I said yes, a little nervous inside, but trying desperately to trust God on this one.

Maria went in for surgery this morning. She went through the surgery fine, she's spending the night in the hospital tonight recovering. The doctors found something odd though. They said her heart not only is plumbed strangely like we already knew, but some of the parts of her heart are in different places than they should be. That's not all either; they discovered that the doctors in China that did the first surgery nicked one of the nerves on her diaphragm during surgery, rendering half of her diaphragm useless. The broken part is actually hindering Maria's ability to breathe. Now, the doctors can do something about all of this with surgery, so she'll be fine in the long run, but that's not why I'm telling you this. You see, my prayer wasn't answered at all how I asked. As the doctors put it, Maria shouldn't have lived to be 3, she's now 4. It is only by the amazing grace of our Father that she is alive, blessing my family every day with her vitality. I'm really learning something here too. God is in control, even when things seem wrong. If He brought Maria this far, against all odds, He's going to carry her through the rest. Why should I worry, God is God, I'm not.

I'm starting to tear up as I write this. It has been so long since I have felt God work, seen His awesome power and control. The thing is, it happens everyday. He is the God of healing, the God who hears our every cry. Why do we have so much trouble going to Him with our troubles and burdens, why do we hold on so desperately to things we can't control? Why do I do these things. I could go on for hours. Suffice it to say I am in awe of the one we serve for the first time in a long time.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Try Not to Smash Your Fingers

I went and did a Habitat for Humanity build today. It's truly amazing to hear the sound of several dozen hammers pounding at once, all by complete strangers trying to help a family achieve the goal of owning their own home. That sort of showing of love is what it's all about. This was my second habitat build, and I would go again in a heartbeat. There is just something about helping a complete stranger, not to mention I had a fantastic time. I mean, it's not every day I you get to use lots of tools and climb up on top of houses. Anyway, now I'm just rambling. If you ever get a chance, volunteer. You'll enjoy it, I promise.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

He Is Risen

He is risen! I'm sure that's the phrase we're all hearing today but do we ever really think about it. The gravity of that statement really hit me late last night. He is RISEN. Christ defied the very thing that makes us mortal... death. Not only physical death, but he conquered spiritual death on that third day. How amazing is that? That phrase should give us goosebumps. Our Savior overcame sin and death, how incredible is that? He did it so that we can overcome those things as well, through Him.

On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them, In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen! Remember how He told you, while He was still with you in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.'" Then they remembered His words. Luke 24:1-8

This story altered the very course of human history. When Christ left the grave, our destiny was changed from death to life through Him. This is reason for us to celebrate, not just today, but every day. Happy Easter. HE IS RISEN!

"Awake Tonight"

I just got back from the Skillet/Toby Mac concert a little while ago. It was a great show and I had a fantastic time, but it did get me thinking about something. What does it mean to be a "Christian" concert or "Christian" band? I mean, if people see more of you than they do God, is that wrong as a band? I'm not questioning the motives of any of the bands I saw tonight, I've been thinking about this for awhile.
We as humans strive for self-glorification and, if that comes in the way of worship or of people seeing Christ, aren't we living in sin? We should instead turn all that focus and attention to God. It's so hard to do I imagine, while trying to put on a show. Where is the balance? Is saying God's name while you perform enough, or what about singing songs about Him? How do we take that focus that is so clearly on us and return it to Him, or do we?
You may wonder why I'm saying "we" instead of "them". It's because I put myself in the category of performers. When I lead worship on campus, I find it so hard to forget that it's not about me, but about a God so much bigger than I can imagine. I wonder what people see when they watch me play. Do they see Christ shining through or do they just see me strumming away on my guitar. It's why I have a hard time playing and singing around people, why I don't want to be "that guy" that I so often refer to disliking. This whole issue is as much an internal thing as it is a critique.
Is it ok then, to put on shows and label them as "Christian"? Is it necessary for performers to make sure they are all "holy" on stage? Maybe it's more about the heart, what God sees and we can't. If our hearts are in the right place, the rest of us should follow suit.